
Please contact Daniel if you are interested in employing someone to implement a Research and Evaluation program (or Research and Development program) in your adventure therapy/outdoor education organisation.

Daniel, in collaboration with AdventureWorks and/or Dr James Neill, is available to dedicate time, energy and expertise to set up and conduct research, evaluation and development for your organisation.

Previous Grants:

Program Evaluation of Victoria Police Manningham PSA’s Bridging the Gap Project: An Outdoor Adventure Substance Abuse Intervention and Youth Development Program, $31,500, 2015-2016.

Co-investigator with AdventureWorks.

Police Youth Citizen's Club (PCYC) Bornhoffen, Queensland, Program Evaluation of PCYC Bornhoffen's Catalyst Project: An Adventure Therapy Youth Development Program, $36,000, 2012-2013.

Co-investigator with Dr James Neill.

ABN: 93872842522

Last Updated: 20/03/2021